Teenagers' Lives (2010)

Typical Everyday Lives ?

Publié le vendredi 28 mai 2010 16:38 - Mis à jour le dimanche 13 juin 2010 19:19

Montage lycée rerectifié 2.jpg


 The typical class day of a French student:

In France, a high school student takes the bus at 7:30 a.m approximately and starts his lessons at 8:00 a.m. We have 9 classes with two optional ones during the week. In  the morning, we have 4 classes and we eat at 12:00 a.m at the school restaurant. Then classes start again at 1:30 p.m and finish at 5:30 p.m. We have two breaks, the first at 10:00 a.m and the second at 3:30 p.m. Our timetables can change, so we can start and finish earlier or later. Finally, when we have finished our school day, we go back home by bus.

As an example we are going to describe a typical school day in our high school. On Tuesdays we start with two hours of Physics/Chemistry and we have a 15 minute break, then one hour of Biology and one hour of Economics then we go to lunch. In the afternoon we start at 1:30 p.m with another hour of Economics and after 30', we have a break, and we finish with one hour of Spanish and one of English. 


Montage pour le lycée (salle de classes) rectifié 1.jpg 

The typical class day of an American student

or so we think !

An American student takes a yellow bus at 7:30 a.m then classes begin at 8:00 a.m. For example: English, Mathematics, Physics, History... We think an American student finishes at 2:00 p.m and has the afternoon free and goes back home by bus.

For example, we are going to describe a typical Monday for an American student. First, he wakes up at 6:30 a.m to take the bus at 7:30 a.m. Before going to school,  he watches a video on You Tube. Then at 8:17 a.m, he has Sports. At 9:08 a.m,  he goes to an Algebra class but before he takes the pledge of Allegiance. He eats during his lunch time, then classes start again at 11:47 a.m.  He goes to the Art class. At 12:38 a.m he has Spanish and at 1:28 p.m, he has English. He finishes his school day at 2:15 p.m.

The differences between French and American students :Montage lycée cantine et récré  rectifié 1.jpg

  • They have yellow buses and we don't
  • They finish earlier
  • They have a sports activity after academic classes
  • We have more classes in the week than they
  • We have more holidays than they
  • We eat in the canteen while they have a lunch box


Emilie, Laura and Mathilde