Teenagers' Lives (2010)

Our Eco-friendly High School !

Publié le vendredi 28 mai 2010 16:12 - Mis à jour le dimanche 13 juin 2010 07:50

Our Eco-friendly High School !   


We are going to show you on this page our high school which was built with ecologic materials in order to protect and respect the environment !


Our high school was built with the following materials.

The main materials are bricks, metal, and glass. The front of the high school is made of glass and just in front of the windows there are layers of red bricks. Between two layers we have sun-proof screens.

We use the sunlight as an ecological way to limit the use of heating in the winter and the use of electricity all year round. We also use a wood stove which is completely natural.

There is a lot of grass on the rooftop in order to isolate it with natural material.


Ecology is our future! More than one century of industrial development, economic growth and intensive exploitation of nature has led to a world where we can travel cheaply to anywhere in the world, import food, clothes and materials from any country, yet we are slowly destroying the very earth which keeps us alive.

What a shame to destroy such a Beauty !

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Means to protect the environment in France:

-Sorting our waste.
-Using low energy lights
-Building ecological houses and buildings
-Using renewable energy (water, wood, sun, wind)
-Using new and less polluting cars

Means to protect the environment in the United States:

The United States is currently the largest single consumer of energy. The U.S. Department of Energy categorizes national energy use in four broad sectors: transportation, residential, commercial, and industrial.

- buses begin to use some organic fuel oil.
- Using low energy light.
- Using renewable energy (water, wood, sun, wind).

In the United States, people recycle  aluminium cans and plastic bottles. They save water by being quick in their shower and filtering tap water instead of buying bottles of mineral water. The United States has an agency which is dedicated to the environment and its protection.

The agency that deals with the environment in the United States is called the EPA, Environmental Protection Agency. Not only do they help and protect the environment, they also raise awareness about the risks of certain actions people take and their effect on the environment.

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Please take care of Mother Nature !!!


 Léa and Elina