Welcome to Toulouse ! (2011)

The Futuroscope

Publié le lundi 18 avril 2011 08:43 - Mis à jour le dimanche 24 avril 2011 22:47

If you come to Toulouse you must visit the Futuroscope ! This is a place where you can see lots of Future machines or projects ... A lot of videos and experiences for the youngest !

You can go tho the new attraction : "the 8th continent".

There are lots of attractions. They create lots of emotions !

" Magic illusions " is the cutest show of the parc for adults and children !

There are also lots of very funny games like "Jeux Rigol'eau ". It's a water game, it is very refreshing when it's hot !!

You can explore the sea monsters or the Future's animals with the science fiction activities ! 

You want unusual sensations ? Go to  "Dance with a robot" attraction!!

Here are the prices :   

  • For 1 day : 36€ per adult and 27 € per child and 33 € for seniors !   
  • If you want to see the night's activities, you can by a ticket for one night. It's 17€ per adult or a senior and 10€ per child   
  • A two day pass is 68€ per adult, 62€ for seniors and 49€ per child.

See you in the parc !