E-Twinning 2013-2014

What Jeremy B thinks

Par YANNICK GUILLET, publié le vendredi 11 avril 2014 08:22 - Mis à jour le vendredi 11 avril 2014 08:22

According to me gender discrimination is everywhere. In France, especially at work, men think they are better than women. There are some rules or laws to limit these kinds of discrimination at work but we can see that in some companies they are not applied. I think that it’s because in the past, even if today that can shock, girls couldn’t go to school to study, had to do the housework, and men at home did nothing.

Today some stereotypes still remain but generally in our society men and wives are considered as equal. I think that gender discrimination is something stupid because we’re all humans and we should have all the same rights. There are some laws for women’s protection at work (I don’t know them exactly but I know that they do exist), or at home even if normally at home men and women manage to live together in harmony. But to my mind it’s not enough we still can see differences between the salary of a man and that of a woman who does the same job. But it’s true that in a few years mentalities have really changed and girls are better integrated in our society.

Gender discrimination is founded on stereotypes who have existed for a long time. I think that we can compare racism and gender discrimination. Yes it's very different but in some points it's the same idea. In fact in these two cases, you treat someone better than someone else. Gender discrimination is another proof of human stupidity. I did a little list of some fields where we can find gender discrimination in France :

-at home : In a lot of families, girls do more housework than boys but we can explain this because women expect the children and have to stay at home during this time, some months before and some months after. With the maternity leave some mothers choose to stay at home and the husbands have to earn the money to make a living for the family.

-at work : Even if some laws exist, men are more employed than women because they can have babies and bosses don't like to have to pay for the pregnancy leave.

There are so many examples, but nowadays society tries to fight against this with laws and the slow evolution of mentalities. A majority hope to change others’ minds but it's very hard to convince everybody.