E-Twinning 2013-2014

What Fausto and Océane think

Par YANNICK GUILLET, publié le vendredi 11 avril 2014 08:21 - Mis à jour le vendredi 11 avril 2014 08:21

In our opinion, there is less discrimination in France than in India, because here, some laws exist to fight against that.

Here, boys and girls are both appreciated at the same level by their teachers, if you do your homework, if you’re a girl or a boy, there is no reason to discriminate you. Here students consider that education is important for boys and girls equally, there is no reason why a boy should work better than a girl or vice-versa. And the student’s parents also consider that education is important for boys and girls equally.

However inequalities still exist: for example, at work women earn less than men, and that is a big problem for them. There the majority of girls think men are treated more respectfully than women in society, but the majority of boys think that but are respected equally. While at home, some girls are expected to do more housework than boys, but in the majority of families, boys and girls are expected to do an equal amount of housework. There are some jobs in which we have discrimination like the military. In politics, in France, we never had a woman as a president, contrary to you ! Moreover, at the National Assembly, there are fewer women than men.

In France there is a form of gender discrimination, but it is not so important when compared to other countries.