E-Twinning 2015-2016 2des

E-Twinning 2015-2016 2des : Bienvenue

Par YANNICK GUILLET, publié le samedi 10 octobre 2015 07:47 - Mis à jour le mardi 27 juin 2017 11:07


Secret Dreams


An insight into teenagers’ lives, habits and concerns in 2015

How do teenagers live, what are their concerns, what do they dream of? Are teenagers from other countries the same or different?


Improving language and communication skills through topical subjects on teenagers’ habits and concerns.


Step 1 (1 month) :  getting connected: introducing oneself, getting to know each other better, asking questions.

Step 2 (2 months) :  collecting data on habits in each country (each group will work on a specific topic linked to teenage life), creating opinion polls and sharing data with partners on Twinspace (photos, pupils' work, powerpoints, videos…).

Step 3 (2 months): comparing data to analyse what a habit and a stereotype are. Results of analysis posted on Twinspace.

Step 4 (2 months) : acting together to change our bad habits and make our dreams come true! Writing and reading personal or collective poems (collaborative writing online) / role playing / recording students’ productions / sharing productions on the Twinspace.


1. Motivation for learning and expanding one's language skills and culture through partnership.

2. Cultural awareness on the notions of difference and similarity through the study of teenage habits around the world.

3. Education to open-mindedness, tolerance and mutual respect and understanding, through original shared productions, taking into account cultural difference, all posted on the Twinspace.

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