E-Twinning 2015-2016

E-Twinning 2015-2016 : Bienvenue

Par YANNICK GUILLET, publié le dimanche 27 septembre 2015 15:41 - Mis à jour le mercredi 17 février 2016 13:20


Videos of project presentation per group


The image of the hero : limits and links between history and fiction.

How can a man/woman from History become a fiction hero/heroine or a legend (Dracula, Robin Hood, Geronimo, Pocahontas...) and find if it is the same process in the three countries connected (working on the influence of History and Geography, traditions, religions, the media ...).


Improving language and communication skills through the discovery of historical figures and a cultural awareness of the image of the hero in several works of art.


Step 1 (1 month) :  getting connected: introducing oneself, getting to know each other better by asking personal questions first (groups and individuals paired according to age, gender and likes-dislikes by teachers on each side).

Step 2 (2 months) :  collecting data on traditional celebrations in each country (Halloween, All Saints Day, Christmas) and discovering works of art referring to these celebrations + sharing and comparing data with patners on Twinspace (photos, pupils'work, powerpoints).

Step 3 (2 months) :  studying literary excerpts and/or periods in History (in the three countries connected: America/France/Romania), focusing on the image of the hero + analysing the link(s) and difference(s) between a Historical figure and a fiction hero.

Step 4 (2 months) :  imagining a “Robinson” from each country, lost in a foreign country (one from the connected group), trying to cope with inhospitality and the unknown, helped by his new companion Friday.


1. Motivation for learning and expanding one's language skills and culture through partnership.

2. Cultural awareness of the image of the hero through the study of literary excerpts and History.

3. Education to open-mindedness, tolerance and mutual respect and understanding, through original shared productions, taking into account cultural difference, all posted on the Twinspace.

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