Ateliers écritureS en Anglais

Whipping Thumbling

Par YANNICK GUILLET, publié le lundi 25 avril 2011 23:39 - Mis à jour le lundi 30 mai 2016 11:31

Whipping Thumbling

Once upon a time, there lived in the forest a family of seven : two parents and five boys (sorry, I forgot the dog !) . The boys were very angry at their parents because they never allowed them to go to parties nor take a lot of girlfriends back home.

That’s why the smartest of them all, Whipping Thumbling (because he was as small as a thumb but as smart as a whip) decided that they should lose their parents in the forest, to get rid of their maddening authority.

So one day, the boys were particularly insistent, asking their parents to spend the night in the forest camping in the wild. This time, the parents immediately accepted because they thought a family activity could have but a good influence on their five boys.

So off they went, not forgetting the dog...

In the middle of the night, when everybody was sleeping like a baby, W T (as his brothers called him) took a saw and started to cut a huge tree so that it could fall down onto his parents’ tent and kill them...

But the tree was a special tree, and at the contact of the saw, it woke up and shouted so loud that it managed to wake the parents up. They rushed out of their tent with a gun, mad with panic, shot everywhere, killed the tree and one of their boys.

But when they calmed down, they came back to reason and thought that, after all, it was not so important: five minus one makes four; four is fewer than five ! Fewer mouths to be fed !

All’s well that ends well...

By Alexandre, Bastien and Quentin

June 2010

  • 2010