Ateliers écritureS en Anglais

Tomorrow Starts Today : Mural created by the TL

Par YANNICK GUILLET, publié le vendredi 19 avril 2019 13:47 - Mis à jour le vendredi 19 avril 2019 15:50

Art is not only a matter of inspiration, it is also hard work and communication.

This team of TL has created a work of art, thinking, exchanging, compromising. They all agreed on the topic, the protection of their environment, and decided on how to express without the help of words, a universal message.

Analysing murals is one thing; creating one is another. Experimenting self-expression and coherence in telling, teaches us how difficult it is not to get lost or misunderstood.

They have managed to convey their message without words and also explained the process with the help of words.



  • 2018