Ateliers écritureS en Anglais

The True Cinderella

Par YANNICK GUILLET, publié le lundi 25 avril 2011 23:37 - Mis à jour le lundi 30 mai 2016 11:32

The True Cinderella


Once upon a time a very beautiful woman who was called Cinderella lived in Hollywood. Her dearest dream was to meet Prince Charming

but her stepmother wanted one of her daughters to become Prince Charming's wife.



One day, the Prince organized a party, in the castle disco. The sisters were very happy because it was their chance to be noticed and then married to Prince Charming. Cinderella asked her stepmother if she could go to the party with her stepsisters.

The stepmother said :

“-Yes ! Of course you will but only when you’ve finished the housework !...”

Of course...


She started to obey but she could not finish because she broke one of her nails and it hurt a lot. When it was time to go to the party, Cinderella hadn't finished the housework and her stepmother said that she had to stay there.


Cinderella was furious not only because she had broken her nail but also because she could not go to the party! So she decided she should get rid of her stepsisters and her stepmother as well.

She followed them to the party without being noticed. On her way to the castle, she met a Terminator and she asked him if he could help her kill her stepmother and sisters. He agreed too happy to have some work to do at last !...

So, hidden behind a tree, they waited for the limousine to come. When it got round the bend, Terminator shot it with a big bazooka. Then he told Cinderella :

“Hasta la vista, Baby !...” and disappeared behind a huge tree.


On the next day, the Prince organized another party, to which Cinderella could go this time, because her step-mother and her step-sisters weren't there to forbid her to meet Prince Charming. She was so glad she could meet her Prince at last. Tonight her dream would come true…


When she arrived, her heart beating full of hope, she saw Prince Charming and … she didn't find him so Charming… So they lived happily ever after but separately, each in his own flat and without children !!!


By Elina, Emilie and Lea

June 2010

  • 2010