The Three Little Pigs
The Three Little Pigs
Once upon a time, three little pigs were playing poker in a golf garden. But winter was close so they had to build houses.
They were called Poutin, Stalin and Lenin.
They were Russian and communist. Poutin was the most stupid, Lenin was the fattest and Stalin was the leader but he was mad. Stalin wanted Poutin and Lenin to build his big house but his brothers refused. Meanwhile Poutin threw a brick into his brother’s face so Stalin fell on the ground into a deep sleep which looked like death. Later the big Lenin decided to start his building site but he used straw because he was so fat that he couldn’t move. The last one, because he loved sweet things, built a house with doughnuts.
On the next day, Cradolf Pithler a big German wolf was crossing the wood and arrived in the golf garden by a curious coincidence. Cradolf Pithler ate Stalin because he was still lying on the ground, his brother was stronger that’s why he was in a coma.
Suddenly Homer Simpson who was under the doughnut’s spell, found the doughnuts house. Poutin was eaten by the wolf because Homer Simpson had destroyed his house when he ate it. Lenin was hiding in his house which could easily be damaged, so Cradolf knocked it down easily. Lenin was eaten too. So Spider Pig the best of Homer’s friend jumped on the bad wolf and with his pig’s web he captured Cradolf.
After that he called for the hunter Kosarzy to save the pigs with his “Karcher”. The hunter was not tall but he shot in the wolf’s face and killed him. The awful wolf drowned. Kosarzy opened the wolf with his knife and Stalin went out first so he wanted to take his revenge. He called the KGB and when his brothers went out, he sent them to the gulags. Stalin and Homer became the best friends in the world and for the rest of their lives they just ate doughnuts and played poker.
By Benjamin, Clément and François
June 2010
- 2010