Ateliers écritureS en Anglais


Par YANNICK GUILLET, publié le dimanche 20 janvier 2019 17:03 - Mis à jour le lundi 21 janvier 2019 18:50


You are not forgotten


Look at the window beside your bed.

The sun shines like it never shined before.

The sky still shelters your great soul.

A hundred years built you more and more.

If you could reach the door, will the brightness hide your sons ?

How bright ?


Open the old door that opened the world to you everyday.

The path to the old woods seems so far.

Can’t you see the green dominating these lands ?

Time has dominated your eyes and vision.

If you could reach the woods, could you see the trees continuing to grow ?

How large ?


When you finish walking slowly to the woods, look at the trees.

Their greatness dominates its surrondings.

Look at their eyes, that reached yours a hundred years ago.

They are carrying your soul through the highnesses.

If you could reach the sky now, how bright, how large, how great would your family tree look like ?


Grandmothers, Grandfathers,

You are not forgotten.


Elsie 1L


The engine shuts up

And a man says « stand up »

She looks at this guy with affection

He? He doesn’t give any attention

He takes the chains « It’s time for the walk » he claims

The walk lasts less than one minute

Strangely he stays mute

He attaches it

We can hear a « clip »

The car goes away

She keeps hope as always

On the floor a bone and some water

When their blue eyes

Watch the dark skies

She tries not to remember

Doesn’t understand not really

All cannot finish with happiness

A proof? look at this story

The world is all sadness

Finally Dogs bite more

But Humans hurt so much more

Thomas 1ere L

Life as a teen


She is just a girl, not a showgirl just a school girl,

Trying to find herself, hidden behind this bookshelf.

Not really sure about it,

But how can she stop torturing her mind?

How can she face having love in hand when she’s been skinny all her childhood?

How can she face having these bloody, ugly, scary, nasty spots?

Oh, and how can she find the remedy to fix this first heartbreak from this moron, Tom?

Who is she suppose to be?

« You’re not a kid anymore and stop acting like you come of age » They said

Yes but how is she allowed to act?

She’s caught up in her emotions, going into those few new feelings. Hi stress !

Making mistakes, attracted by fake, she almost breaks.

But loneliness is not endless,

We learn from what we did.

She’s not lost and we need to save her at any cost. Because please tell her she’s not a joke.


It’s ok to be scared because you’re not prepared, even if nothing is planned,


but take advantage of this failure of doubting all that is possible by overcoming all they think it’s



Coline & Eva, 1ère L




I don’t like to fight

I don’t like violence

I don’t like to slam

But it’s the only way to wake you up

I’m ready to use words as weapons

I don’t understand why there are so many inequalities and injustices

Why nobody seems to see it

Why nobody fights it


So now I’m ready to raise a flawless army

We’re gonna set aside our differences to stop this invisible skirmish

We won’t be intimated


We gonna march

We gonna stomp

We gonna charge

We gonna fight

We gonna change


You can try and do whatever you want

We won’t stop till we get perfect equality

Till people stop excusing men’s behavior because « boys will be boys »

Till women are heard and understood

Gender equality is not something people can laugh about

It’s not something that should be up to discussion


We will fight so that women won’t have to fear to be raped each time they go out

So that they won’t be afraid to wear whatever clothes they want

So that patriarchy won’t stop them to do anything

We will fight so that women will be free at last


Charline & Luna, 1ère L





We can take from the rich,

that’s what some people think.

But in reality,

most of the rich were born,

with nothing.

They worked, they fought.

But now they are where they are.

They are the living proof that,

in life we have nothing without nothing.

We can’t have a beautiful house

without hard work.

We can’t have a beautiful car

without hard work.

We can’t live without hard work

if we don’t work, we die

or we have nothing

nothing to have.

We have nothing without nothing.



Lucas 1L


Child abuse


Dad, Mom

Why are you acting as if you love me,

When you don’t

Dad, why do you do that ?

Mom, why don’t you do anything ?

When I went to school, with all the bruises on my body

I had to lie to my friends because of you

I had to lie to my friends because I was scared of you….Dad, Mom

Now I have to talk, I fell but I got up

I hid behind silence, it made no sense

I felt like a dog, neglected,

the dog we don’t want anymore after we adopted it

Dad, Mom from now on what will you do ?

You will apologize, give me the love that I didn’t get,

Or even erase the scars in my heart

I will never forget you

I will always remember all the things ;

The bruises,

The tears,

The screams,

The hits,

The sadness,

The pain,

The emotions

The sufferings,

They will be forever stuck in my head


in my Head

Garance & Mailys 1L


  • 2018