Ateliers écritureS en Anglais

SLAMMED POEMS -1ère ES -suite

Par YANNICK GUILLET, publié le dimanche 20 janvier 2019 23:09 - Mis à jour le lundi 21 janvier 2019 18:41

The bird’s flying in the wind

As the freedom of a spirit 


Being born free must not be a chance 

Tolerance is necessary

It’s necessary for all the people 


Walking on a dream 

It is the wish of many poor 

Death is not anymore 


Violence is not a solution 

But it proves that there is discrimination 

And it will serve another generation 


Now peace and cooperation 

are heard in many countries 


Ema & Gaultier 1ES


In this world, of injustice
I can't live
I can't think
I can only cry

In this world, imprisonned

We feel misunderstood
Others who feel good
Will they free us one day?

In this world, where I wish to dream
I dream of independence
I dream of non-violence
And especially of my release

In this world, I start again
I want to be born to know this feeling
An unknown feeling

And by the power of a flight
A dove flies away
And by my dreams destroyed
I fly towards a new life

Jade & Marine 1ES


A lot of Africans are dead

Because of forced labour

By the White Southerner



Men rise to take their liberty

Liberty is also for black men



Four hundred years of slavery

Four hundred years to understand we are equal


We are born and we die in the same way

Why not have the same rights ?



Sadly, poverty can touch everyone

Why then the richest do not help the poor

Maybe they think they do not have enough ?


If all the millionaires gave only one percent of what they have

Poverty would reach fewer people, it’s simple, isn’t it ?



Today, we all have the same rights

We all have the same genes

Why not open our minds to live together ?



Gabriel & Leo 1ES

  • 2018