Ateliers écritureS en Anglais


Par YANNICK GUILLET, publié le lundi 30 mai 2016 11:16 - Mis à jour le dimanche 26 juin 2016 16:47


"Now, up to the balance sheet. Today, June 29th 2070, we have witnessed several new natural disaters: 2 tsunamis hit the West coast of America and Australia. More than 100,000 dead have already been numbered and many parts of inhabited continents have been submerged by the sea, to be added to the endless list of swallowed up lands. In fact, Japan also sank 2 days ago, it was the first island to disapear. The scientists are panicking. They are trying to find a way to slow down the rising water. In the meantime, we recommend you to leave your house and go to the safe upland refuges. 
Another tsunami is also forecast near France this afternoon, as well as..."
I turned the radio off.
"Tommy, what are you doing? We need to leave, hurry up!"
I sighed and picked up my suitcase which contained the only stuff I owned. Our town was going to be the target of a tsunami soon .
I put my oxygen mask on my face and hurried out to join my mother in the car.
All that started almost 6 months ago, even if the situation was already getting worse year after year. First, winter and autumn disappeared. Then, the temperature and pollution increased, a lot, over the last 20 years. Just a consequence of the irresponsibility of the population and the inability of governements to find a solution.
The animals were the first to die, one after the other, starting with pets. Next, the air became so dirty that wearing a mask was necessary. Finally, the elements started to rage to restore the balance.
Now was the time for mankind to pay the price of their mistakes.
Every morning, when I woke up, I couldn't stop thinking about death , like many others. It was upon us all, like a shadow. It was taking us, one after the other. Our end was getting closer. Half of my family had already died. There was just my mother left and I, her 17 years old son.
My mother's hands clenched on the steering wheel and the car perillously accelerated, her look seemed lost. It was too much.
"Honey, please, let me drive."
"You're going too fast..."
"I know Tommy, I just want to protect you , you know."
I didn't answer, grit my teeth and kept staring thro u gh my window. A lot of other cars, full of passengers and suitcases, were heading in the same direction,. 
I didn't understand why they were all trying to bring as much stuff as possible, we may be dead before sunset.
 I lost myself in the vision of the sea, getting further in the rearview mirror. It was some time before I realise d that a huge wave was coming right onto us.
"Mom!" I scre a med.
She didn't need more explanation. She accelerated as much as she could and looked at the buildings passing. Then, without any warning, she stopped the car and stared at me.
"Get out of the car Tommy, run as fast as you can to this building. You should be safe at the top."
"What? What do you..."
"Hurry up Honey! You'll be safer 100 met ers higher than in that bloody car!"
I opened the door to get out and started running before I realised that my mom hadn't followed me. Once I was out, she had locked the doors.
"What are you doing?" I said.
She smiled to me, one of these sad smiles to say goodbye.
"I love you son, I always wi l l."
I could barely hear her. I wanted to tell her how much I love d her, tell her I wanted her to come with me, but it was too late, she was on her way.
I didn't have the choice, the tsunami was getting bigger and closer. I ran to the top of the building, trying not to think about what was going to happen to her.
When I arrived on the roof, I saw more than 20 other people, most of them were children and teenagers , like me.
I looked back one last time to see the wave getting closer to the coast, to us.
I was so scared, I sat in a corner, hanging on to the barrier, praying to survive. My eyes were closed but I didn't need to watch to know that the tsunami was here, hitting the city. The floor was shaking and wet, so was I.
I don't know how long it lasted. Minutes? H ours?
I was still in my corner when I heard someone getting close.
"Hey dude, it's over, you can open your eyes."
I obeyed and saw a guy, he was almost as old as me. He was smiling to me. He helped me stand up.
"I'm S cott."
"Tommy." I answered.
"Are you with someone else?"
"No, I am... all alone now. "
"So am I. Don't worry, at least we're not alone anymore, two teenagers against the apocalypse."
"T hr ee now! " I turned my head so that I could see the girl.
She was pretty with her wet wavy brown hair and deep green eyes. She had a big scar o n her neck, still bleeding. Something intense happened, my heart beat faster for some seconds.
"Leila." She smiled, such a beautiful and honest smile.
Before we could go on with our talk, we heard a siren . A boat was waiting for us, a few floors down under, already full of scared passengers.
"Come over here! It's safe!" Screamed a man.
We hurried to get on the boat, looking for other survivors.
I ta lk ed a lot with Sco t t and Leila. Both of them had lost their family, just like me. At least we agreed about one thing: mankind was close to ex t inction. We didn't really believe any of us could survive.
Months later
The rescue boat finally got to a huge sofisticated ship. We spent months there, trying to find a solution to survive. We were only a few thousands. Other natural disasters hit the world since that day. We thought about leaving Earth but we were no longer able to do it.
Day after day, the ground disapeared and water replaced it. All the world was covered in oceans. We were desperate, we didn't know how we could survive. I had to admit that the ship was useful, we could create clean water and we had the "farm station" to make food.
The only way to preserve mankind was to be able to use the water, to live with it. But the question was: h ow?
We had a few scientists and engineers here. They tried to create new cities, underwater, using the rests of our old civilisation. We could create new materials with new technologies. Moreover, we had scuba diving equipments.
Everyone on the boat accepted that issue. We haden't a lot more to lose.
A few years later
I was leaning over my window sill, looking at the fish, there were hundreds of them here. Mixed colors, like rainbows. 
Several metal building s were standing here and there around our own house. Connected to the surface by some kind of glass conducts, used as elevators.
We had made it! Our project which at first seemed impossible was a great success. It's been 5 years now since we 've decided to l i ve underwater. But also 5 years since half of humanity had died. I couldn't stop thinking about how lucky I had been to survive, 5 billiard people including my family, my mom hadn't.
As I was lost in my thoughts, a sweet hand touched my shoulder with affection.
"What are you thinking about Love?" Leila asked.
"Nothing important, don't worry."
She smiled, the same smile as the day when I met her. Then she kissed me. If I could see something positive in all this, it was our meeting. We had never left each other since that day on the roof, neither did Scott. We weren't alone anymore, Scott was my best friend and Leila my wife. We had made a promise when we were lost at sea "always and forever". It kept us together as one, and I hope that it will never end.
Camille, Cyann, Emma, Laetitia (202)
May 2016
  • 2015