Ateliers écritureS en Anglais

I’m a student who doesn’t like to work...

Publié le vendredi 11 septembre 2020 08:22 - Mis à jour le mardi 15 septembre 2020 08:17

I’m a student who doesn’t like to work

I wonder if legends and myths are real

I hear a voice who tells me to check

I see a Nymph who makes me feel good

I want to go where she’ll tell me to go

I am a student who doesn’t like to work

I pretend to follow her

I feel good to be with her

I am about to touch her

I worry about the place where she’s taking me

I cry when I go deeper

I am a student who doesn’t like to work


I undertand what she does

I say I’ll follow her whaterver she makes me do

I am dreaming, so I know it’s not real

I try to stay asleep

I hope I will not wake up

I am a student who doesn’t like to work




  • 2020