Ateliers écritureS en Anglais

I'm a generous person who loves to laugh

Publié le jeudi 12 septembre 2019 19:26 - Mis à jour le samedi 14 septembre 2019 09:05

I'm a generous person who loves to laugh

I wonder if I will make my dreams come true

I hear horses walking

I see the beach

I want to go to the beach

I'm a generous person who loves to laugh


I pretend I'm always funny

I feel like I'm walking in the sand 

I touch sand

I worry that a spider will climb on me

I cry when my family is in pain

I'm a generous person who loves to laugh


I understand I cannot save everyone

I say I still need to try

I dream of harmony and happiness

I try to be a good person

I hope my dreams are realistic

I'm a generous person who loves to laugh

  • 2019