Ateliers écritureS en Anglais

I am joyful and friendly

Publié le lundi 16 septembre 2019 10:22 - Mis à jour le mardi 17 septembre 2019 07:52

I am joyful and friendly
I wonder what my job will be later
I hear the alarm in my head which says it's too late 
I see my dreams come true
I want to travel to Korea 
I am joyful and friendly 

I pretend to be cool
I feel like flying with the birds
I touch the stars in the sky
I worry about the future
I cry when I feel alone
I am joyful and friendly

I understand I'm not perfect 
I say yes for the best 
I dream I can do everything I want to
I try to do my best
I hope I can learn English
I am joyful and friendly 

  • 2019