Ateliers écritureS en Anglais

I am an adventurer

Publié le jeudi 10 septembre 2020 21:04 - Mis à jour le mardi 15 septembre 2020 08:37

I am someone who loves to be surrounded by people but who also likes to be alone

I wonder what I'll be in the future

I hear the voice of adventure calling me

I see all kinds of landscapes

I want to live many adventures in the four corners of the world

I am someone who loves to be surrounded by people but who also likes to be alone


I pretend to know when I go too far, but this is not always true

I feel the adrenaline that controls me

I touch the history of our planet

I worry when my family or friends are in danger

I cry when I disappoint the people I love

I am someone who loves to be surrounded by people but who also likes to be alone


I understand that I have limits

I say that every obstacle can be overcome 

I dream of making the world a better place

I try to be the best person I can be

I hope I will be able to live my dreams

I am someone who loves to be surrounded by people but who also likes to be alone

  • 2020