Ateliers écritureS en Anglais

I am a positive and talkative girl

Par Clara FERNANDEZ, publié le vendredi 11 septembre 2020 08:19 - Mis à jour le mardi 15 septembre 2020 08:21

I am a positive and talkative girl, 

I wonder how people see me, 

I hear their thoughts because , 

I can see in them as in an open book, 

I want to be my "me" of dream, 

I am a positive and talkative girl. 


I pretend to be brave and strong but, 

I feel like a black sheep among the whites, 

I touch people with my smile, 

I worry when I see someone sad, 

I cry when there are conflicts, 

I am a positive and talkative girl. 


I understand that life isn't a Care-bear life, 

I say every day that "you are what you reflect", 

I dream too big and I like this, 

I try to make other people's daily lives better, 

I hope I have succeeded, am succeeding and will succeed, 

I am a positive and talkative girl.

  • 2020