Ateliers écritureS en Anglais

I am a fan

Publié le jeudi 10 septembre 2020 18:40 - Mis à jour le mardi 15 septembre 2020 08:40

I am a fan of amazing groups

I wonder what they are doing

I hear my idols laughing

I see their awesome faces

I want to know more things about them

I am a fan of The Boyz


I pretend not to find them cute

I feel full of love whenever I see them smiling

I touch my cheeks to check that I don't blush

I worry when I hear bad news

I cry when I see them cry

I am a fan of Stray Kids


I understand that I will probably never see them

I say that they are the most beautiful people in the world

I dream to tell them how much I love them

I try to always support them

I hope everybody will know about them

I am a fan of K-pop

  • 2020