Ateliers écritureS en Anglais

Bad weather

Par YANNICK GUILLET, publié le lundi 22 octobre 2012 09:12 - Mis à jour le lundi 30 mai 2016 11:41

It was one day worse than the others under a blazing sun. In this world, they were no joy, no activities, no happy-ending, everybody was sad and they waited for the rain. But it was never going to rain. 

That day, I saw a child in a house, he had blue eyes and brown hair. He was looking through a window, he looked happy. I think...

I think he was smiling ! Nobody had been smiling for such a long time... except the Scavengers. They were happy...

But, let's go back to our story, our sinister story. So, the little boy was looking through the window and smiling... I myself looked in the same direction and I saw it... No ! It was impossible ! I... I saw a CLOUD ! Maybe the hope was coming back ? I didn't know for sure but if it was real, it was a miracle !  

But miracles were rare in this world and it became a nightmare. I realized that it was not a rain cloud, but... a cloud of locusts ! I wanted to warn the boy,  tell him "Go away !  Hurry". But I couldn't ... I couldnt' speak to him...

So the cloud of locusts fell on the house and devoured what remained of mankind. And I, the last one, flew, flew as fast as I could. I lost three feathers through the air that fell slowly on the ground, or at least what remained of it.


a story by Camille and Eleonore (1ère LVA)


  • 2012