Ateliers écritureS en Anglais

Hidden in Jealousy

Par Chaïma HIDAN MARRI, publié le mardi 25 juin 2024 11:37 - Mis à jour le mardi 25 juin 2024 11:37


I'm angry, because 

You look perfect, smart, funny

And I'm here seeing how people admire you

My anger and loneliness grow 

I want to take the joy from you 

You look so perfect

I want to be so perfect too

You seem so happy 

I want to be so happy too

If only hurting You could make Me satisfied

But even if it doesn't I can't stop treating you deplorably

Because I feel at least a little superior to you

You are smart and I'm strong 

So we will see who will succeed in the end

You will become pathetic

I will become faultless

Then people will praise me, like they did with you

  • 2023